

Starting a blog was harder than decorating this cake...

Here's to my first post, my first blog, and basically my first time attempting to explain what happens in my crazy kitchen.

Wait... don't leave, it will get interesting, I hope...

I was born a Baker - literally - and in my free time away from kids, house work, and husband time, I have been working on living up to my former surname and perfecting the art of actual baking. I will admit that I have never had much interest in baking until I discovered that cakes could be bold, bright, and FUN!

The very first cake that I made was almost six years ago for my son's first birthday. I wasn't satisfied with the basic round, frosted variety and between fits of frustration and tears and the patient encouragement of my wonderful grandma, I created two 3D cars sitting "artistically" on a construction paper road! I might be brave enough someday to show these pics, but for today I want to share one of my latest birthday cakes.

My fourth and smallest child is a WILD THING - which coincidentally is the name of this cake! This cake is your basic white cake topped and filled with a traditional buttercream frosting. I used MMF (marshmallow fondant) for the zebra stripes, jaguar spots, decorative trim, and Phoebe. The stripes and spots were hand cut and designed by my talented Aunt Teri - who just happens to know everything there is to know about WILD THINGS!

The inside of the cake was dyed pink - no it's NOT strawberry cake! I dye the inside of many of the cakes I make for kids because it's fun, and why not? I used Wilton gel food coloring for all of the color work.
Some people might wonder why I didn't cover my entire cake with MMF... WELL... that's another post for another day! I will also be posting my MMF recipe with pics this weekend as I get
ready to make a cake for my husband's birthday bash!

Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at blogging - Remember, I am not a professional, but a self-taught, bright eyed, student of the trade. I am constantly inspired by my fellow bloggers and I hope that I was able to inspire something in you.